useful idiots 10.06.2005

QUIT: Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism:
As queers, we are part of an international movement for human rights that encompasses the movement for Palestinian liberation, and all other liberation movements.

I think the term here is "useful idiots."

Because suppose in the off-chance these homosexuals manage to succeed in helping Palestine become free and liberated and a separate country--then decide to travel to Palestine to gain their reward in assisting the Palestinian people. How do you think the Palestinian Government will receive them?

Well, if the neighboring countries in that area are any indication, probably not well: Iran executes homosexual men for the crime of homosexuality, Saudi Arabia tosses in torture in with their executions, and the senior leader of Hamas in Gaza called homosexuals "a minority of perverts and the mentally and morally sick".

So why are homosexuals helping those who would execute them rather than deal with them? Because many on the Left live in a world of absolutes, where the people of power are inherently and intrinsically evil, and the "underdog" are always the good guys. So 9/11 was a blow against the evil United States by the underdog--and not a Jihad by a bunch of evil people who see that blow as the first step in a massive extermination of homosexuals and Jews on a scale that makes Hitler look like an amateur.

posted by William Woody at 10:58 PM

"So why are homosexuals helping those who would execute them rather than deal with them?"

I always wonder the same thing when I look at the Log Cabin Republicans.

Anonymous Anonymous at 1:12 PM  

I always wonder the same thing when I look at the Log Cabin Republicans.

That assumes Republicans want to execute Homosexuals in the same way that Saudi Arabia already does. It's seems rather pathetic to me that this sort of paranoid exaggeration slips into the public discourse from the left without even so much as the bat of an eyelash.

Blogger William Woody at 1:52 PM  

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